What’s new in Version 1.1.3
– New player statistics values ‘Max Mechs destroyed in a single game’ and ‘Max damage in a single game’
– Huge leaderboard update. Most core player statistics can now be shown in the leaderboard. Want to know which player destroyed the most Mechs? Possible now
– Added support to drop weapons to the inventory right from the hanger. Makes it much easier now to replace a Mech with another Mech and use the same weapon layout
Balancing Changes
– no balancing changes
– Various UI layout fixes in the menu
Hey Devs! I have not really participated with developers before so I’m not sure if your expecting certain info or format so i ask patience with my message. I started playing Walking War Robots or WWR back when it was still called that, now it’s just WR. I got in beta pretty early and have only recently uninstalled it for the second time because of developer abuse as I call it. They didn’t listen to the community of players, just the big spenders, which seems to be the new norm in game development. The took my ideas in the beginning when it made the game better but no longer once big spenders started showing up. Just saying if you create your game around a community of communication where the community consistently feels like they have an open dialog with you and you listen to the community your game will push the dying beast called War Robots into the grave or atleast second place.
Hi Richard,
Thank you very much for your feedback. Mech Battle is completely designed about the Player in mind, so if you have any suggestions, and tips, please just let us know. Overall we would like to make a games the users love to play, that’s our mission
Why did you guys mess up the plasma guns by cutting their attack time in half? This game started out awesome now it just pisses me off everytime I play it bc my mechs blow up within 5 seconds each. Even after I have modified the crap out of them (and also bc it spawns me right into the enemy side everytime I get a mech destroyed). What did you guys do to this game? Please don’t ruin this game by modifying it to the point where only the people that continually ask for changes in their favor are able to win. I started off playing this game as a serious contender. Now, after certain changes have been implemented, I’m lucky if I get 2nd place. I understand improving your product, but don’t do it at the expense of game quality. I have spent a considerable amount of money on this app to improve my mechs and it seems as if I’ve not done a thing to them now. Whatever you guys did…please undo it before this game starts sucking and gets overrun by hacks like most every other phone app game has. PLEASE!
Hi Clint, Thanks for the feedback. Unforuntately the laser nerf was very much needed as fully equipped Zephyrs for example with 4 full upgraded plasma could destroy and mech in no more than 2 seconds. This was never intended. We are constantly balancing all weapons and mechs so that everyone has a chance, we don’t want to a Pay 2 Win situation here. I hope you understand, but please note, once more players, especially more high ranked players are in the game we can match them better and can increase certain weapon stats again. Thanks for the feedback!
New to the game and am having fun so far. Isuues I’ve seen are:
1. When a player blows up the pieces on the ground block movement.
2. Aiming reticle is difficult and sometimes I’m not sure if my weapons are locked on or targeting desired opponent.
3. In weapons discription I do not see info on range.
4. Jump bots need to be able to jump much further in a direction.
5. Allow for team play and clans.
6. Remove the AI laser cannons. They don’t really add to the battle.
7. Add rewards to the beacons to give them value.
8. King of the hill add a reward that is accrued by occupying the beacon.
So far I’m really enjoying the game and my list is just things to consider. So far ya’ll are on the right path and could become insanely popular.
Hi and welcome to Mech Battle! 🙂
1. When a player blows up the pieces on the ground block movement.
This was actually intended, would you prefer just being able to walk-through?
2. Aiming reticle is difficult and sometimes I’m not sure if my weapons are locked on or targeting desired opponent.
As soon as the red rectangle is around an opponent you have a lock on the target, meaning homing rockets for example will target this mech. Also, kinetic weapons like machine gun will shoot at the centre of the target
3. In weapons discription I do not see info on range.
Basically there is no range limit for weapons, but the damage might increase/decrease depending on the range (this is visualised in the Mech Lab)
4. Jump bots need to be able to jump much further in a direction.
We will consider this, we also think about adding support to upgrade the special ability (like you do with weapons), not 100% sure about this yet
5. Allow for team play and clans.
Team play is implemented already (just click the Friends Battle button), Clan support is coming soon
6. Remove the AI laser cannons. They don’t really add to the battle.
Do you mean they are to powerful?
7. Add rewards to the beacons to give them value.
Player who captured most beacons in a game gets Platinum reward already once the battle ends. Anything else you would like to see?
8. King of the hill add a reward that is accrued by occupying the beacon
Not exactly sure what you mean. King of Hill?
Thanks and just let me know if you have additional feedback, would be great!
Hola Robertsze.Te saludo desde aquí Buenos Aires ??
Lo del salto en los bots es cierto.No contribuye mucho al juego, pues no tienen mucha distancia.Y el tema de los láser,es también cierto, por qué no surten muchos daños a el oponente.
Un abrazo,y saludos cordiales desde aquí Argentina.