What’s new in Version 1.1.4


– Added share support to results and in-game stats screen, you can now simply share a screenshot of your match results


– More accurate shooting animation for F300, Cannon and Decimator
– Slightly refreshed Weapon models for Cannon, F300, Decimator, MG, MR500, WB2000, Minigun, Dispatcher and G5000
– Increased resolution of various textures in game
– Fine tuned smoke effects for Missiles


– Fixed a rare bug where Last Mech Standing ended spontaneous with ‘GameEndReason’
– Fixed wrong weapon upgrade info shown for store weapons
– Performance optimisations for all weapon models
– Mechs are now correctly rotated when spawning

19 Responses to “What’s new in Version 1.1.4

  • Make is so i can show you what i mean via a screenshot. I just equipt a new bot with lv1 weapons and upgraded them. Upon upgrade completion i get 9 notifacations saying its complete. I woupd share a screenshot but there isnt a place for it

    • robertsze
      6 years ago

      Is this on iOS or Android?

    • robertsze
      6 years ago

      I think we identified the source of this issue, an update to 1.1.4 will be available shortly

      EDIT: Ok, a bit more complicated… Looks like only a few android versions/devices are affected by this as they have a small bug when trying to cancel notifications, trying to find a workaround for this…

  • Hi Developers, people told me that you actually hear your fanbase. So I suggest you to greatly increase the damage of Bherta Laser, at least 2x. It’s the only weapon without a sort of vertical aiming and it’s hard to hit small and fast bot even at the same level. Since it’s very situational it should be very powerful

    • robertsze
      6 years ago

      Yes. Bertha and every LaserMK2 will soon get a big damage boost. They have been designed to have huge damage because of the missing aim support for these two weapons, but they are not correctly balanced at the moment, coming soon!

  • Invisible
    6 years ago

    You guys are awesome! You’re doing the most important thing absolutely right. That thing is communicating with the players! Within that you explain, very well, what is happening and what is not happening and why! At a time in gaming when more and more developers have separated themselves from players it is refreshing to see a developer who comes towards their player base and connects with them.
    I know it’s early days, but I think this game will be really big for you if you continue to work within your community!
    Thank you!

    • robertsze
      6 years ago

      Thanks for the nice feedback, overall Mech Battle is made for the gamers, so yes, we try to be as communicative and transparent as possible, thanks!

  • Benedicto
    6 years ago

    Hello I’m very happy with your game but in memu emulator(Android) when I right click the mouse I have the free view /aiming but the shoot doesn’t work synchronized (I can’t shoot while aiming) , I have also war robots and robot warfare and all the buttons works correctly , please solve this problem.
    A suggestion, we (emulator players) need a place to configure and test the button mapping without being in battle.
    Thanks. (keep up the good work)

    • robertsze
      6 years ago

      Emulator support is coming soon, thanks for the feedback

  • Darthmittens
    6 years ago

    Games already imbalanced with pay to wins dominating matches in a very familiar manner that ruined another mech game. I understand the game is early still, yet there already the same vibe that utterly ruins the gaming industry today. The ability for players to buy their way to the top. Sorry. I know you tried to improve on what ruined the other game. But the players that have came over seem to be bringing the same mentality that ruined the other for anyone who wishes to play a fair and balanced game. Best of luck.

    • robertsze
      6 years ago

      Thanks for your feedback. Please note that Mech Battle is not pay to win at all. You get easily all mechs and all weapons for free just by playing, collecting energy cells and trade them. Same with upgrades.
      Matchmaking will auto-adjust to amount of players active, so the more players, the more balanced it will be. Do you mind telling me your rank and what exactly is non-balanced in your opinion?

    • Teh Milkman
      6 years ago

      @darthmittens, perhaps you should spend a little more quality time playing it. Everything is available to everyone in a reasonable amount of time and a reasonable amount of in-game currency. This is so far from P2W as to exist in a different universe from other mobile mech games.

  • Dear Admin, how to open a banned device on my Android device ?? I have stopped using cheats and now I am playing normally. I use a clone application, and I want to move clone data to my original device. Please help

    • robertsze
      6 years ago

      We can only unban your device if you send us your player ID or username you used

      • How do I see the Player ID and Username if I can’t enter the Menu? Are there alternative ways, like sending my original Android Device ID?

      • I don’t remember the Player ID and Username because it was going so fast. I played 15 minutes and was banned so I did not remember the Username and Player ID. I reset the application many times but still can’t enter the Menu

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