What’s new in Version 1.3.3
Balancing Changes
– Balanced minigun, cannon and mg series
– Balanced swarm series
– Fixed sometimes not able to hit smaller Mechs
– AI bot names are now reserved and can’t be used as player name
– Fixed AI bots without weapons
GREAT as always!
Keep on Truckin’ Devs! ??
Lovin it..
Make all the mg’s obsolete now that everybody spent time and money upgrading them. Classic war robots move, keep up the good work
Care to explain why you consider them obsolete?
I am curious about that myself.
They nerfed the Mg’s because of complaining players. Most of which are not paying for the upgrades like other players are. The assault weapons are powerful when paired up together.
Please don’t forget that we have a big dataset over the entire game, for pros, newcomers, etc.. And if 90% of all kills in the entire game happen with one single weapon series we call this non balanced and adjust it as we would like to see diversity over all weapons.
Muy bien respondido!!! ¡¡¡SALUDOS!!!
If you were depending on 1 weapon style to make you effective in battle, then perhaps you should reconsider your strategy. Most of us want a whole array of viable weapons to choose from and are glad not to be stuck using the same tired builds to stay competitive in top level play.
They’re not obsolete. But I do agree. People have spent money and numerous hours to have them upgraded. The update wasn’t really a balance update. All they did was Nerf the Mg’s and Assault weapons because they were too powerful. And experienced war tank players know which guns are effective. Believe me. They nerfed the Mg’s because of players complaining.
It the “effective” weapons are overly effective because of unrealistic mechanics or because their effective range is too broad, then they should be balanced. ie: MG family of guns that are more powerful than any other gun at 90% of battle ranges.
“Experienced pilots” should be able to use a range of weaponry, and there should be more than 1 or 2 weapons that are viable in top level play. Rock, scissor, paper.
Im just glad they fixed players using bot names. Getting suprised by a player named Trinidad was a bit of BS …
What if the guys name really is Trinidad lmao guys wtf won’t let me enter my name lol
Why don’t people realize that they don’t pay money for “things”, they pay money “to save time”. When anything in the game can be had through patience or grinding, then it seems disingenuous to complain that you wasted money on something that got nerfed (and, funny enough, I never see people offer to toss even more money in when something “they feel they bought” gets buffed). You pay your money, and you can get something (an item, or an upgrade) faster than you otherwise could. So you are getting what you paid for … namely, you saved time. Even if what you rushed to buy or upgrade later gets nerfed, you still got what you paid for … time.
Todavía me extraña, que existan personajes, que únicamente “pagando”,pueden sentirse satisfechos,al ganar un juego,que es solamente eso….Un juego.
No creo que tengan las cualidades necesarias,para comenzar de “cero”.Comprobar la “jugabilidad”,y luego, comenzar con las compras.
No sirven como “testers”, pues no ayudan con el buen desarrollo del game.
Saludos cordiales.
I think that you should add a clan feature in the game….and start a discord server to improve popular support…..can I help you?Please reply